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Life for God/About Qualitative Development of a Soul About Qualitative Development of a SoulThe qualitative development of a soul includes intellectual and ethical components, as well as refinement. A detailed study and scrupulous application to oneself of God’s Commandments is a necessary prerequisite for serious work in terms of psychoenergetics. Studying and putting into practice ethical recommendations, given to us by God, one should earn the right, “get access” — to a direct transformation of oneself as a soul with the help of serious meditative techniques. But it is also necessary to understand that God in the Aspect of Primordial Consciousness (the Creator) is by no means a terrible monster to be feared, but, on the contrary, the Tender and the Subtlest of all energy states in a multidimensional universe (more in detail in [5-22]). This is the first thing that must be learned, starting to study the methodology of spiritual perfecting. Moreover, the lack of understanding of the last fundamental truth is usual for almost all mass religious trends that currently exist on the Earth. It went so far that some translators of such great literary works as, for example, the Bhagavad-Gita, translated the words that describe God as the Subtlest of all the subtle — as the least of the low. It turned out that the Greatest of all existing, the infinite in terms of space and time, God was called… “the least”! And this same mistake is characteristic for the translation not only of the Bhagavad-Gita! Let’s consider, of what hinder us, what we could exclude from our lives with the purpose of refinement of consciousness. It is: 1. Even the very ability to enter into gross emotional states. To achieve this is possible through mastering the art of psychical self-regulation [18]. 2. Ethically improper food: coarse energies from killed animals remain in the bodies of people eating them. Such energies can cause not only general coarsening of the soul, but also diseases in the digestive and other body systems. The same, of course, relate to the use of clothes and other items made from the bodies of killed animals. 3. Close communication with rude people. 4. Location on energetically rough places — negative places of power [18]. 5. Attunement with coarse non-embodied beings (the creatures of hell). 6. Attunement with coarse works of pseudo-art. Cultivating the opposite to the enumerated will really bring us closer to the Creator — on our state as souls. It is very important to understand that the energy purity inside our bodies, perceived by clairvoyance as light transparency, is necessary in order to enter precisely into the subtle and subtlest layers of the multidimensional space. From energetically dirty bodies, we do not have the opportunity not only to attune ourselves to and merge with the Representatives of the Primordial Consciousness — the Holy Spirits, but even to see Them by the sight of souls. Direct free fellowship with non-incarnate Divine Teachers, Who in the past had become the Integral Parts of the Creator, is not fantasies or hypotheses, but a fully cognized reality for those who are rightly moving along the spiritual Path. In particular, when the practitioner reaches a certain level of subtlety of consciousness, sufficient for easy perception of the Holy Spirits, the concrete Holy Spirits, manifesting Themselves for incarnate people in the form of Mahadoubles [17-19,39], first, become the Standards for us to train ourselves to life on Their Divine level of subtlety. Secondly, They can be personal Divine Teachers — quite really visible and audible. We can embrace, caress, merge with Them… And They will lead the worthy disciples further along the Path of perfecting — into the Abode of the Primordial Consciousness. To realize the easiness of communicating with the Holy Spirits, you may see samples of writing from Their Words, Their biographies and the most important methodological recommendations, as well as poems and whole books of the highest spiritual value [9,12-13,17,21,29-36,39]. … You can hear from ignorant people: but what if you are aligned not with the Representatives of the Creator, but with the spirits of hell? How to distinguish? The answer here is very simple: both Jesus Christ and all other Divine Teachers of both antiquity and the last centuries taught and teach now that the characteristic of God is Light, similar to the gentle sunlight [9,17-22,30-36,39]. This Light carries Divine Tenderness, Caress, Caring, and Wisdom; God is Love! (1 John 4:8, 4:16). But the spirits of hell are visible as black mobile energy clots that carry in themselves and give to the embodied beings hellish emotional states. God is Love — and therefore, in order to approach Him as souls, we must exclude even the very possibility of egocentric emotions, thoughts, and actions! On the contrary, God invites us to learn to love others who are worthy of it — like ourselves and even more than ourselves! An example of this was shown by Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself to death on the cross — for the sake of people to imprint what the Creator taught us through Him, Jesus. What is egocentrism? It is the desire to appropriate someone else’s, the ability to flaunt before others, to despise others, to look “down” at them, to mock, hate, envy, be jealous, desire to take revenge on offenders, the habit to blame emotionally those with whom we disagree. Desire and willingness to give and help in everything good those worthy of this, also to forgive, rejoice in the joy of others, to sacrifice oneself for their sake — these are the qualities that we need to develop in ourselves. … I will give an example. I met with people who are always late for all meetings. And they justified themselves with the following formula: “But I’m always late!”. One of such women even exclaimed with obvious self-admiration: “I only once in my life managed to come on time, but… not where I needed to be!”. What is behind this way of thinking and behavior? We will see in those people ugly lower “I”, which is able to take into account only its own convenience: “Should I expect, if I come earlier than…?” I know from my past how it is unpleasant to wait for a late person. Therefore, not wanting to cause inconvenience to another or others, I myself always come in advance. And while waiting, I never get irritated, but I stay in even calm. And then, I make a conclusion about the expediency of continuing contacts with those who are accustomed to being late. … To find a stable inner peace in any unfavorable situation — this can be learned through mastering the art of psychic self-regulation, where the emphasis is on the development of the spiritual heart. This can be read in detail in almost all our books and even seen in the films. Mastering the functions of the spiritual heart — this is the core of the whole Path of spiritual perfecting! Without this, there is not the slightest opportunity to get close to the Creator in a serious way! The spiritual heart is the organ that produces the emotions of love! And, in order to become closer with God, Who is Love, everyone should strive to develop oneself as a spiritual heart! … Considering this topic in the historical perspective, I note that this was understood, in particular, by the Christian Hesychasts* [18]. The development of this trend by us allowed to determine our methodological achievements as the modern developed hesychasm. Of course, this knowledge is not at all the “property” of those who consider themselves Christians. On the contrary, this knowledge is universal and is fundamental for all true spiritual branches.
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